Sunday, October 26, 2008

Proud Mama!!!

I want my boys to know how proud we are of them. John and I were looking at one of our old camera's yesterday and realized just how fast the kids have grown up. I was really having a hard time with it. I am so lucky to have these three special boys. They all have touched my life for different reasons and at times when I needed them the most.

I want you to know how proud I am of you. You were dealt a pretty tough life from the beginning but you've stayed strong. You were my light when I didn't have one. You were the reason that I went on living at times. In your 10 years you have been through more than a person your age should have to. You have had to deal with a father who decided to leave us. We know are blessed with an amazing man who you call "Daddy". We were so lucky because they are lots of kids who weren't so lucky. You made me grow up and realize that I wanted better for the both of us.

I look at you and realize that you are so much like me. You have surprised me so much lately about respect and helping others. You have chose not to be around people who have unappropriate language and behavior both at school and not.

I have enjoyed watching you and Skyler bond even if it is through Pokemon cards. I was so proud of you at Chucky Cheese when you used all your tokens and then went and got your prize and then helped your little brother without being asked.

I appreciate you helping me watch your brothers. Drawing them pictures even when you don't want to. Getting me icepacks, water, or whatever I need when I'm not feeling well. I should be taking care of you and instead you are always concerned about me and how I'm feeling.

Slow down your growing up way too fast. You came to us tonight at grandma's and said that sometimes you want to be with the adults and talk with us. Grandpa turned to me and said boy, did he grow up fast. He's right buddy! But your becoming an amazing young man that I love. Always remember our saying: I love you forever, for always, and no matter what.

You came into this world a fighter like your mama. You always had that sense about you that people want to be around. I can't believe that next month you will be going in for your 22nd or 23rd surgery. Boy, not many people can say that by the time they are six. Heavenly Father knew exactly that we needed you at that time in our lives. You were our angel that gave us hope. You pulled this family together and made us fight for all we had. We look back now and can't believe we all made it. I know this is just the beginning for you.

I remember when you had your anxiety disorder and was always afraid that people were going to hurt you and now look at you. You are so compassionate and caring. Your chosing to step outside of your comfort zone and make lots of friends.

I was such a proud mama to hear you sing the second verse of "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" and to hear your part in the Primary Program about you knowing that you'll be resurrected one day and have a perfect body. I know you believe that. We both know that God made you special by making your back crooked. Your deep heartfelt prayers that always seem to amaze me. The words that come out of your mouth that I don't even know. The respect that you show others.

I love your smile. It can light up a room. I'm proud of all your accomplishments in life as well. You have a special bond with people that I only dream of having. It's truly a gift. There are times that I don't feel worthy to be your mother.

My little cuddle bug. Heavenly Father knew I needed a break but I think he got it all wrong (just kidding). I love your mischevious little smile. We have been so blessed to have you be so healthy.

Your not my baby any more. You truly give us a run for our money but your were a welcomed addition and worth every penny. You bring spunk in our family which at times if much needed.

I'm so proud of you for memorizing your part in primary and for giving talks and for bearing your testimony. It's hard for mom to get up there but you are always so faithful in saying, "Is it testimony day?" "I want to say my testimony?" You are a true example to me.

I have enjoyed the last little while with you one on one. Your such a stinker but I'm glad your my little stinker. It seems like yesterday you were born. It's hard to imagine that your already 4 1/2. I love to watch you sleep so peacefully. Your so sweet and adorable.

I'm so proud of all my boys for some of the same reasons so I didn't repeat those but for different reasons too. I know I've forgotten a lot of things and so I might have to add to this but I know that you each came into my life at just the right time. They were all for different reasons and seasons but I'm grateful and proud to be their mother. Even though, I'm the mean mom, I know I'm teaching them right. And I know that they will probably come back when there grown and tell me all the things that I did wrong too. But I know that I've done the best I can with what I know and have. I've been so proud of the way you all have handled yourselves lately in certain situations. I have your primary teachers and school teachers tell me how well you behave. I don't know they're trick but I know it started here at home. You all are incredible and I will always love you forever, for always, and no matter what. I hope you remember that I will always be your best friend. I hope you don't get to old to want to talk to mom... I wanted a girl and I know you all did to but I will always be a proud mama of you three... Thank you God for MY BOYS!

Love Mom


Chad and Candice said...

Hey - I just saw your comment on my blog. We haven't run into you guys for awhile. It is crazy how life flies by. I checked out BJ's blog off your page. tell him to put more pictures of his family we want to see his cute kids! I am surprised they haven't wanted to come back to Utah yet. Sorry to hear about surgery that is not fun. Hope your family is doing well- parents and all!

Jenny (GuppyLovesShark) said...

Aw, you made me cry ;D That was a sweet post. hugs

Jenny Stark

Jessie Woolstenhulme said...

You are such a great mom! I can see just how much you love your kids! I wanted to thank you for the phone call from a couple of weeks ago. Sorry I never got back to you! It was kind of a crazy week for us! I hope things are going good for you!