Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Snow in October and on Sunday when you have early morning church! Well let's just say I wasn't very happy. As we arrived at church and it was still snowing 3 hours later for a total of 11 inches. And my husband had the opportunity to go out and do fast packs in this lovely white stuff because there wasn't enough young men. Late to nap and early to rise... For all of you who don't know, John has to work Sunday night and so Sunday's are not always my favorite day because no matter what John has to have a nap. We have to go to church because John is Gospel Doctrine teacher and if he doesn't nap then it means he is up for about 20 or more hours. So needless to say I needed a nap and the boys are getting old enough that they can pretty much care for themselves. Hooray for these days!

Boys will be boys. They had been bugging me all day to go play in the snow. We sometimes go to my mom's on Sunday's for dinner and I was very tired from staying up to late and getting up to early so when we got home from church John and I took a little nap.

When we woke up Jordan said, "Grandma wants you to call her before we leave!" I was very suspicious and thought this was very strange because I didn't hear the phone ring and I always hear it ring. My kids have my parents phone number memorized so when there in trouble or something they always go sneak the phone and call. You guessed it, they called Grandma and told her that I told them that they couldn't play in the snow. I got up and called and "Grandma saved the day again." And the rest is history....

My angel making an angel!


Anonymous said...

Yes Grandma saved the day but look at all the fun they had building a snow fort and they didn't even fight once.

Love Mom