Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Now this is my idea of a boy's night out. I have to say that my husband is superman. He worked all night on Thursday night and then we had to be at the hospital at 7:30 am Friday morning.

When we got home from the hospital he took the boys to the store to buy the ingredients to Rachel's chocolate lasagna cake that I really wanted (see his blog myamazingfamily.blogspot.com to see how that turned out).

I was proud of him for trying this recipe. Although it didn't work out like he would have liked it too. It really did taste good. My husband is amazing. Thank you John for spoiling me even when you shouldn't.

He then went outside and started setting up the tent with the boys. He dropped them off at primary program practice and only got 1 hr of sleep and then slept outside with the boys until about one in the morning. John said that they probably would have stayed outside all night but Skyler was complaining that he was cold so being the good dad that he is.

He brought all the boys in and about four in the morning Skyler woke up crying that he wasn't sleeping outside. He didn't remember being cold and was mad that daddy brought them in. I'm so proud of my boys for working together to put up the tent. I'm proud of John and Jordan for completing a scout requirement. It was nice to see the fun that the boys had. Oh, I left out the part that they chose to stay home and sleep outside with Dad when they'd been asking to spend the night at Grandma's for a couple of weeks. Good choice boys.

I was trying to sneak out after they went to sleep and get a picture but it was pitch black and the dog was jumping all over them so this is the best I got but it will do.

How precious and priceless!


John said...

Thank you! I don't spoil you when you don't deserve it! You are the best thing that ever happened to me, and you're still the best thing that happens to me almost every day. I love you so much I don't know how to express it! I am the lucky one, I found someone who puts up with me. Lova ya, babe!

Amanda said...

Hey Nikki,
This looked like a lot of fun. I miss you already and it has only been two days. If you need to call me, call Nate and he will tell me to call you. Hopefully we can hang out again before we leave. If we are here for Halloween I want to come to our Trunk or treat. Well we will see or talk to you soon. Love ya! Amanda

Anonymous said...

I would say that you just kicked John and the boys out so you could have the bed to yourself but I guess you get that alot anyway. Always glad to see John doing things with his boys between all that you guys deal with.

Love Mom

Stephanie said...

Yeah John!! Those boys will remember this forever! :)