Saturday, September 20, 2008

Health Update

We have been hoping for the best with my surgery having to be redone but it looks as though it didn't work again. This is very frustrating and discouraging. I went and saw my doctor on Thursday and he doesn't think that the leads are in the right place again. I spoke briefly to my programmer and I might have an option to go to Denver, Colorado and have the doctor who has performed the most of these all over the body do mine again. We are not quite sure yet but we are leaving our options open. This was quite a big blow for me. It's been hard for me in knowing what the right thing for me to do is. But I want the best of the best if I am going to have this redone again for the 3rd official time the 5th time total. So we'll keep our fingers crossed that it will all work out the way it is suppose to one way or another.