Monday, November 24, 2008

Skyler's surgery #21

Surgery time again! Skyler was asking weeks ago to have it so he didn't have to have it again for 6 months. I thought I was doing good with all the stress but apparently I wasn't because I started fighting with those that I love.

Skyler listening to my mp3 player before surgery.

Skyler hanging in there after surgery and throwing up several times. He's a trooper. I kept telling him that he was stronger than me. He smiled for one picture and I told him that he didn't have to smile.

I have to say for the most part our family does pretty good with knowing that Skyler has to have surgery and we try to move on quickly from it back to normal. This surgery had many ups and downs for us. Skyler woke up at 6 am before John got home and decided that he would eat M&M's. He had just finished when John walked in the door and said nothing to eat or drink. Too late. We decided to go to the hospital anyway because his surgery was not scheduled until 11 am but when we arrived the dr. was running behind. The dr. was teasing him that he's a veteran but yet he ate M&M's.

You know you've been to the hospital to many times when the nurses and doctors remember you and one even thought I worked there along with some other people.

This surgery was a little harder for me than usual because as we sat and were waiting, Skyler and I were talking and you could tell that he was scared but he wouldn't talk or admit it. He got his IV in like a champ. He only said ouch. What a brave little man! I asked Skyler if he knew we loved him and he said he didn't know. My heart sunk. I really wanted to cry but had to maintain my composure for him. I told him that I loved him and all the people that loved him.

As they put him to sleep, I was a wreck watching him fade away to sleep. Fortunately, the dr. told the nurses to come get me before he woke up and it would be easier and so I was the last person to see him before he went to sleep (long story) and the first to see him when he woke up.

As I was waiting in the waiting room for the doctor to come tell me how surgery went the loneliness set in greater than it ever had before. I looked around the room and realized I was alone. Here were all these families and friends comforting each other and here I was all alone. I guess these surgeries are kind of routine for us but I realized that the risks and feelings are still the same. We need to know we are blessed and start making sure Skyler receives his preisthood blessing even if it is his 100th surgery.

Anyway, surgery went well with a few ups and downs but we came home Friday morning and he bounced back faster than ever before. He was riding his bike on Saturday and went to all of church on Sunday. He set a goal that he would be back in school by Monday and I didn't think that he would make it with all the stuff this weekend. But he's at school so far so good.

Thanks Skyler! Also, thanks Heavenly Father for sending me this angel to continue to bless my life and show me the way back home.