Sunday, February 22, 2009

Six Things that Make ME Happy...

I was tagged by Amanda.Six things that make me happy!

I suppose to write six things that make me happy. When Amanda tagged me, I said to myself I better hurry and think because I know if I don't then I won't have anyone else left to tag after someone else was also tagged because we have a lot of the same friends. But I also realized that it was okay and that I needed some time to think about what truly makes me happy. Right now I've been struggling with a lot of different things and I needed to take some time and truly think about what makes me happy and this is what I came up with.

1. The Atonement of Jesus Christ
2. My Family
3. My Amazing Friends (just hangin' out or talking on the phone)
4. Music
5. Ocean or rivers (the sense of calm and peace)
6. Last but not least SLEEP!

*Link to the person who has tagged you. Write down six things that make you happy. Post the rules, tag six others and let them know you did it. Then tell the person when your entry is complete. I tag Steph, Jessie, Vida, Candace, and whoever else who wants to do this because all the others have been taken that I would have chosen but you know what it's okay. Also, Rachel, Jen, Brianna, and Leah I still want to see your responses even though you were already tagged by someone else.